DECO-BASE® Vinyl (CB-2732)
Deco-BaseŽ is specified by many architects and designers for their high-tech interiors. The satin finish of the solid colors make the walls
blend at the floor level to conceal irregularities at the seam. Deco-BaseŽ is flexible and manufactured with either a toe or straight (toeless).
Thickness: 0.080", 0.125"
Heights: 2-1/2", 4", 6"
Lengths: 4 ft. or 100 ft.
Colors: (001)Malibu Sand, (104)Fudge, (137)Pearl, (150)Nougat, (168)Bluish White, (170)Bright White,
(184)Coral, (201)Chocolate, (203)Beige,
(204)Gray, (205)Cream, (206)Light Beige, (208)Light Gray, (209)Gray-Beige, (211)Mauve, (217)Charcoal, (234)Noble Fir,
(242)Olive, (244)Off White,
(253)Dark Teal, (254)Light Teal, (261)Taupe, (275)Dijon, (280)Caribbean Sea,
(283)Evergreen, (305)Camel, (312)Heather, (323)Bluebonnet, (331)Dark Forest,
(335)Hedge Green, (375)Bay Leaf, (377)Emerald Isle, (380)Aquamarine, (388)Lively
Lime, (389)Periwinkle Blue, (401)White, (403)Almond, (425)Merlot,
(434)Cherrywood, (470)Shrimp, (477)Spice Orange, (480)Orchid, (490)Plumberry,
(492)Dove, (494)Lavender, (495)Royal Purple, (502)Brown,
(503)Ginger, (505)True Blue, (506)Tahoe, (508)Tweed, (509)Nutmeg, (514)Savannah, (517)Honey, (523)Black
Brown, (527)Clay, (556)Blue Denim, (564)Smoke, (597)Mocha, (603)Ash,
(607)Cranberry, (622)Rosy Clay, (628)Ore, (660)Rocky, (663)Sky Gray, (664)Mist, (672)Gray Blue, (674)Carmine Gray, (701)Black,
(712)Pacific Blue, (727)Thunder, (840)Canary, (850)Sterling Gray, (860)Dark
Bronze, (875)Navy, (890)Mushroom.
Flame Spread: 2.0 or less (UL-992)
Government Spec: SS-W-40a
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